Her Head Is Full of Poems

The Loving Force Of Will

November 30th, 1973

The vision of the tunnel was grey
echoing elongation— 
each separate fire built so carefully.
Now two shadows waltz

Towards their fire— touch and
retreat alone into the walls
of faded consciousness 
perhaps to move again—

Responding faintly to
some remote chord.
A divine union having existed 
on a glimmering spark 

Of intimacy so perilously kindled—
to shrivel into dusty oblivion.
Yet… the living burning coal
of that what once lit — 

To continue on his own — 
this— this fleeting dance
toward fire— inexplicable extinction
or shall he, too, unite for a moment

In a recess of the tunnel. Hopefully,
a more full time to form a conflagration
that could not would not ever admit
it shall by some loving force of will

To defeat powers — unreasonable and
unexpected — into dissolution.