Her Head Is Full of Poems

Journey in the Time of Our Exile

The fires have exiled us from our mountain.
Authorities say we cannot return for months.
Yet, we connect with the land we belong to.

So now, we are embark on the way of journey.
Although we cannot now be on the mountain,
it is time for us to reunite with the help of Spirit.

Find the path to wounded land awaiting you.
A stairway beholds a step for each generation.
Walk up and see the portal with a violet door.

Open it: an area like the inside of your home.
You see an atrium, a stream running through,
and open skylight with golden goddess rays.

All along the stream on either side are violets.
A tiny rabbit appears to be drinking water after
being greeted, and suddenly makes a run.

You hope to see Mountain Mother lion, listen
to the croak of a frog, or wait for a rustling bird
settling on your left shoulder. Without sound or

Odor, Mother Mountain lion caresses gently,
your hair and face.Turn your head, make
spiral motions. The is indeed in charge—

Matriarch of the hurting land. We are here
to serve Her. We are here to communicate
to let her know we want to make up for

The messes we have made. She sits on
her haunches, saying wild ones here
long can stay. There are no guarantees

For safety. Know it is dry and very hot.
The lions and wild ones need water.
Make altars for us where you are. Ask

Firefighters or rebels to put out water 
each day.
Eat vegetables.
Avoid meat.
Care for the trees. They help us breathe.

All humans have been told to leave our land.
Do so when called. What offerings can there
be? Make my image. Move your torsos.

Mother Mountain Lion knows We are caressing
Her. She walks outside and disappears. Retracing
steps, opening, shutting the violet portal, walking

Down the seven stairs. The land says Mountain
Mother has spoken. Follow her instructions.
If not, suffer the consequences.