Her Head Is Full of Poems

Among Dancing Green Trees

Among dancing green trees,
dripping endless rain, the only
peaceful spirit was Jane.

Western bluebirds announced
brash disputes. Jane resolved
them, standing still, thoughtful.

Jane blessed gentle breezes.
She was merciful, aware of
unknown tongues.

Jane would challenge anything
and adored daring anyone with
astounding soul and strength.

We all remained uncertain:
what did we treasure more —
kindness in her questions,

Pure nature in her smile,
or warmth in her open hand?
Petals of blue bonnets fell,

Covering ground with pleasure.
The fervor of Jane crossed her
path entwined with radiance,

With sadness. Oh you,
who honor her brilliance,
why runaway day & night?

Pause a moment, sense
the glow of Jane. It’s breath
and blood of one we revere.

Jane understood the music of
song birds and the rhythms of
their flights.

Her foresights soared past all that
would become new and stunning.
We know Jane was pivotal

In every awesome marvel we have
sought. Imagine Jane’s visions in
the sky, hastening, softly wandering

As twilight clouds would rise,
sweeping discernment into
her deepening black night.

When Jane dreamt in presence
of all things beautiful, her eyes
moved faster than Further.

She lived long and free with
students of philosophy,
measurers of law,

Midwives, psychologists
children, gardens,
book clubs, recipes,
poets, actors, athletes,
neighbors, lovers,

Jane’s witty words flew like sheer
curtains in her bedroom, saying:
“Everybody was in love with

Everybody and they all expressed
that fully.” The showers cascaded,
settled inside rainbows. She was

Drenched in silver and Pacific waves,
slipping under the horizon. The night
was dank with haze that sprinkled

Tenderness. Jane slept in stars lulling
restless hurting hearts in her quietude.